الجمعة، نوفمبر 16، 2012

كيف يعمل نظام التعرف على الوجه

كمبيوتر وملاحقاته

Identix's FaceIt software measures nodal points on the human face to create a faceprint and find a match.
تعتمد بعض انظمة الحماية في المطارات والفنادق الضخمة على انظمة حماية متطورة تستخدم فيها انظمة كمبيوتر تستطيع ان تتعرف على الاشخاص المتواجدين والغير مرغوب فيهم مثل اللصوص والمشاغبين، فيستطيع رجال الامن فوراً وخلال فترة وجيزة من القاء القبض عليهم. وتعتمد هذه الانظمة قواعد بيانات لصور الاشخاص المجرمين واللصوص وغيرهم ويقوم برنامج الكمبيوتر بمقارنة الصور التي تلتقطها كاميرات المراقبة بقاعدة البيانات للتعرف على ما اذا كان احداً غير مرغوب فيه موجود في المكان أم لا.  ان هذا الشرح البسيط يخفي خلفه الكثير من العمليات المعقدة التي سوف نتناولها بالشرح والتوضيح في هذا المقال.

الخميس، يوليو 05، 2012

colorizing a movie

Colorization is a computerized process that adds color to a black?and?white movie or TV program. The process was invented by Wilson Markle and was first used in 1970 to add color to monochrome footage of the moon from the Apollo mission. In 1983, Markle founded Colorization, Inc. The word "colorization" soon became a generic name for the adding of color to black?and?white footage

الخميس، فبراير 23، 2012

Making Music with MIDI

Tutorial: Making Music with MIDI
Part 1: Benefits of MIDI How To Do It
Unlike MP3 files and CDs, MIDI files contain individual instructions for playing each individual note of each individual instrument. So with MIDI it is actually possible to change just one note in a song, or to re-orchestrate an entire song with entirely different instruments. And since each instrument in a MIDI performance is separate from the rest, its easy to isolate individual instruments and study them for educational purposes, or to mute individual instruments in a song so that you can play that part yourself

Tutorial: MIDI and Music Synthesis

Tutorial: MIDI and Music Synthesis
Introduction The Musical Instrument Digital Interface (MIDI) protocol has been widely accepted and utilized by musicians and composers since its conception in 1983. MIDI data is a very efficient method of representing musical performance information, and this makes MIDI an attractive protocol not only for composers or performers, but also for computer applications which produce sound, such as multimedia presentations or computer games. However, the lack of standardization of synthesizer capabilities hindered applications developers and presented new MIDI users with a rather steep learning curve to overcome.

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